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Training Staff in the Electricals Business

By: Elaine Everest - Updated: 14 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Electrician Staff Training Electrical

When you own an electrical business you should ensure that your staff are well trained and know their duties. Training will reap results with efficient staff and a smooth running shop or workshop.

In-House Training

In-house training means that you will undertake to train your staff whilst they are at work rather than send them off to courses or day release in colleges. Training could be done by qualified senior members of your staff or you could hire expert trainers to come to your business and carry out staff straining en masse.

Computer Training

It may be that you have bespoke computer software for your stock control and accounting systems. Part of the package when it is installed is that your key staff will be trained. By coming to your business premises your staff can be trained in shifts so that work is not interrupted too much and every member of your staff get to see the new programmes working in the office environment. It will then be down to the trained staff to pass their knowledge to other junior members of staff.

Apprentices and Trainees

When you take on an apprentice or trainee electrician you must see that they are trained and gain the correct qualifications for their chosen career. It will be up to you to arrange the right college courses and see that these staff members have time to study and learn their trade. These young employees will become valuable assets to the company if you make an effort to work with them and see them through their training period.

Shop Staff

Your shop staff must be trained in customer sales. There are now training courses for customer services and as your shop staff will be the first face that a customer see it is imperative that you put some effort into finding the right staff for this job and also see that they have the right training whether it is at college or in-house.

Manufacturer Training

When you sell electrical equipment the manufacturer will want to see that you sell as many items as possible. As new models arrive on the scene there will be the chance for staff to be trained in how to operate the items whether they are large flat screen televisions or computers and music centres. If your staff know how to operate these items they will be able to guide the customers and make more sales.

Engineer Training

Your engineers will need to know how to repair new models of electrical items as they come onto the market. Sometimes manufacturers offer training to the engineers and sometimes they offer service information and internet support.

Sadly some companies will not deal with companies selling their products and it is becoming increasingly common for major manufacturers refusing to help a service engineer who has a query. This means that televisions and other brown goods are just being sent back to the factories for replacement and the skills of trained service engineers is in the decline. Some engineers are now working together on forums and help lines to solve service problems and to keep their jobs alive.

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