Below are our articles on the subject of Staff. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Employing Casual staff
When starting an electrical repair business you have to remember it is no longer possible to pay a person as a casual worker. There are rules to follow and paperwork…...
Employing Family in Your Business
When starting your electrical repair business money could be tight and you may not be able to afford full time staff. Perhaps you have family that have helped you set…...
Employing Office Staff
When running your own electrical repair business there will come a time when you need to employ office staff. Working in electrical repairs you may find the thought of…...
Employing Your Family in a Business
Running a new business can be very daunting so to have a few family members as employees can make the whole experience less frightening to begin with. However, family…...
Female Staff in a Male Environment
In these days of equal opportunities you must interview women as well as men for all positions in your electrical repair business. These days you are as likely to see…...
Health and Safety for Staff
When the time comes to consider employing staff for your electrical repair business you must consider the health and safety aspect of their working conditions and how…...
Staff Safety and Your Business
Staff safety in any business should be of paramount importance but within the electrical repair business there are other considerations to think about....
Taking on an Electrical Apprentice
Once your electrical business is up and running you may consider taking on additional staff. Have you thought about employing a younger person and training them as an…...
Training Staff in the Electricals Business
When you own an electrical business you should ensure that your staff are well trained and know their duties. Training will reap results with efficient staff and a…...
Using Older Employees
When starting your electrical repair business do not dismiss the idea of taking on older employees. Apart from it now being illegal to discriminate against older…...
Using Sub Contractors
When setting up your electrical repair business consider the benefits of hiring sub contractors....