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Your Workshop Fixtures and Fittings

By: Elaine Everest - Updated: 6 Jul 2010 | comments*Discuss
Fixtures Fittings Workshop Image

When starting your electrical business it is important that your workshop is fitted out correctly in order to optimise your time and work potential.

What to Have in a Workshop Area

It is important to have a roomy work area for your engineers. Each engineer should have a bench with lighting and lots of electrical sockets. There should be aerial and satellite access for those working on video and television repairs. There should also be room for test instruments and shelving to put electrical items that are work in process. Benches and shelving must be strong and secured well although it should be possible to move these fixtures and fittings in order to maximise use of the workshop at a later date.

Computer access should be available for every engineer as these days research for components, and details of electrical items can be sourced in the Internet. Records of repairs can also be kept on the computer so that office staff or managers can access costing and repair details.

Sourcing your Equipment

It can be very expensive to purchase brand new fixtures and fitting for your workshop. You may find that second hand fixtures and fittings can be purchased online or from a shop fitting company. However, the fixtures and fittings would most likely have taken quite a hammering in their previous life and will be battered and weak. Consider hiring a Carpenter to make benches and shelving to fit your workshop. You or one of your engineers should be able to wire in cables, aerials and electrical points so that you have everything at your fingertips.

Office and Reception

It is nice to have an office and also a reception area where customers and visiting company representatives can sit rather than go into the workshop. Workshops can be quite untidy and also noisy places and not the best show case for your business. A few seats, desks and pot plants can give an air of calm to a busy environment. Your office staff can also act as receptionists and deal with the visitors.

Fixtures and fittings for an office can be obtained either from second hand office supply companies although desks, computer stands and filing cupboards can be purchased fairly reasonably from high street stationers and larger warehouses. A coat of paint on the walls and a piece of carpet and your front of house for your business will look very inviting. Fixtures and fittings for the office area should not break the bank.

Supplying Work Wear

When you hire staff whether they are engineers or office staff emphasise the need to look presentable. If possible set a dress code for your staff. Workshop staff could be supplied with overalls or polo tops with your business name embroidered on the pocket. Office staff should not dress the same of the workshop staff so perhaps shirts again with the company logo worn with black skirts or trousers would pull the company image together.

Working as a Team

With workable fixtures and fittings, and staff looking tidy and keeping their work areas clean and presentable, your business will have a happy environment from which to operate and give the clients a positive image.

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